Last Day in France

Sunday was our last day in Argeles Gazost and to mark the occasion the town celebrated with a monster market night, (my take anyway). We’ve been to a few markets in Argeles but this was by far the best. I hope I’ve captured some of the atmosphere in the photos and video. It was sad saying goodbye to Kiwin and Deloris (Monsieur and Madame Taik-Colpi) our hosts at the Hotel Beau Site on the following morning, as we packed our bikes in the van and headed across the Pyrenees to Jaca in Spain.

4 Replies to “Last Day in France”

  1. Great photos & commentary Kevin. You’ve captured the experience to perfection…really taken us there with you. 😊 enjoy the rest of the trip

  2. Terrific blog Kev.
    Its been most interesting following your progress and amazing achievements.
    Keep fit
    David and Anne

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