Day 13 – Ride up Mont Semnoz

On our first day in Lake Annecy, a ride to the ski station and restaurant on Mount Semnoz, 1,660 metres above and about 30 klms from Annecy was planned.  The ride up averaged about 7% gradient with pinches at 10%. The views of the Lake on our way up were stunning. But unfortunately our 13th day proved to be a bad omen for me. Pushing to catch up with the group after stopping to take photos, I rode too quickly into a tight downhill bend, locked my brakes and crashed off the road. Fortunately I landed on the grass verge and my only injuries were a couple of bruised ribs, a graze on my forehead and dented pride. My bike however was not so fortunate and with a snapped integrated seat-post (part of the carbon frame) and other damage, it’s a write off. Fortunately Hodgy was following in the car and was able to pick me up and stow my bike in the boot. I made it to the top a bit faster than I expected to. I’ve submitted an insurance claim, and hope to have something to ride when we get to the Alps in a couple of days. The rest of the group made it to the top and we all enjoyed a coffee (two for me to calm my nerves).




Old cars and bikes have special memories. I’ll miss my mate.

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